Tarot Reading for Week of October 5th: Mental Balance.

Tarot Reading for Week of October 5th, is mental balance. We have drawn The Two of Swords, which is an air element card. This is a powerful symbol and its appearance has urgent messages for us to listen to. What might you be mentally carrying that weighs you down? This is a time to be aware of your heavy thoughts and worries. This Tarot card’s advice for relieving ‘information stress’, is to consciously turn off the phone and the TV and boundary yourself from negative people who can stress you out. Our mental health is very important and we need to be aware of how this can affect our way of thinking and feeling about things.

Mental Balance

The Two of swords helps us to regain our mental balance by feeling the weight of the swords being carried. When we become conscious of our load we can start to determine what weighs us down. Do we need to carry it? Lighten the heaviness this week by looking at your mental stress gently and with kind consideration to yourself. You are the sword carrier but did you choose to pick these up and hold them or have they been loaded onto you and without much choice? The key thing to know about getting back into mental balance, is understanding that you can put these swords down. If your mind is heavy and stressed, take a look at how you are managing your thoughts in the first place and why they wear you down.

Light Thinking

This is a time where feeling helpless and overwhelmed is heightened. Keep reminding yourself that you can put thoughts down and let them move along as they naturally always do. No thought or feeling stays around forever so be light with yours. Keep your thinking easy and uncomplicated this week, or it could become too analytical and tight. Let’s take control of information coming from outside of our life and what is going on within it. Notice what you are scrolling through and getting heated up about and make sure you set healthy limits around .

Book a reading with Louise.