Evolution Path Tarot Readings

Evolution Path Tarot Readings

Evolution Path Tarot Readings, is a service I created to give people a detailed understanding of what their evolutionary purpose is, in this lifetime. This reading assists in making sure you are moving in the right direction, towards your highest calling.

This reading can focus on particular areas, such as your Love evolution path, career, creativity, or any kind of self expression that interests you. Perhaps you’d like to investigate your family evolution in this life time? There are lots of options to make this service bespoke for what is the most important area for you to focus on.

Evolution Path Tarot Readings, can be a 30 mins live session or a pre recorded session. You can also book a 60 mins read for a deeper reading.

30 minute session
Patron Rate £100 (paypal-£105)
Mid range Rate £70 (paypal-£75)
Budget Rate £55 – students, low income (paypal-£59)

All readings include an image of the spread for you to keep.

Questions Covered In The Reading

Evolution Path Tarot Readings
  • What is my evolution path in this lifetime?
  • How do I move towards it?
  • What is blocking me from it?
  • How do I remove this block?
  • What will help me to fulfil my evolution?
  • How can this evolution path help others?
  • What card image can I use to identify with this?

“Louise is beyond FABULOUS. She’s absolutely spot on with her insight as well as reading with empathy and integrity.” 

J. Butler, UK.

You can check out my other Reading Services here.

Get In Touch To Book.