April 17th: Nine of Rods: Perseverance

Today, the Nine of Rods, shows there is a strong energy that could make us feel a bit overwhelmed or that life is too much of a struggle today. You might need perseverance to pick yourself up and keep going. If you feel things are against you or there is too much to deal with, know you have the strength to deal with this.

Whether this card is about your own life or the out of control energy in the world, we have to remain in our centre not be knocked down by negative situations. This tarot card encourages us to be strong for ourselves and for others. The news gets more and more intense everyday and hope can be lost. Make the best of your life and put effort into supporting others who feel tired and worn down.

Do not lose hope. The human spirit is very strong and wherever you want to get to, or whatever it is you want to achieve, you can do it. The Nine of Rods is warrior like. No matter what we might be dealing with, keep perseverance as a key energy in your mind. Be brave and the universe will help you over the hurdles.

Keywords for Nine of Rods

  • Be brave
  • Challenges can not stop you
  • You are stronger than you think
  • Persevere
  • Be a hero/heroine
  • Success is very close

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